Thursday 13 January 2011

So it's upon us then, the second derby of the season, coming a bit earlier in the calendar than the last few years. After putting on a performance and beating Spurs the other week, then comprehensively teabagging Scunny away in the cup, you'd fancy us against those twats at the moment wouldnt you?....WOULDNT YOU.

At the time of writing, they've just dipped to Blackpool at Bloomfield rd. After heroically(sic) losing to an oh so scurrilous Manchester United side(and Howard Webb) and also unbelievably at the laugh a minute, Ronaldinho chasing, Chicken farming, Blackburn Rovers previous to that. Which rounds off an undignified end to Roy Hodgsons reign and a veritable shitstorm(pun intended) of a start to King Kenny Dalglish's second coming of red cardinal militia. They wont lose 4 games on the trot will they?

If, and it's a big if, Moyes gets his selection right like he did against Tottenham last week(no surprises, 2 up top, defending from the front - hark! hark! an internet manager is born), and he goes for it, something i dont think we've seen from Moyes at Anfield thus far, it is more than feasible to expect Everton to be able to cope with anything Liverpool throw at them. Torres and Reina aside we have nothing to fear from a side who have been rightly shorn of their talis man - Steve 'GET IN YOU BYUTAAYYY' Gerrard through suspension. We've even been handed somebody who is widely accepted to be the best english ref, to officiate the proceedings.

And what wacky proceedings they shall be...hooting, hollering and howls of derision will be the order of the day, with the odd Keats quoted bed sheet thrown in.

Seriously though, it's going to be everything you laugh, piss and moan about on Sunday at Anfield. Banners, flags, scarfs, songs and cornishmen. Anybody who was lucky/mad enough to get a ticket, myself included, knows exactly what to expect.

In some ways, as is most often the case for my generation of Evertonians, you'd probaby take a point away at the slag heap. This time though theres a vulnerability about them and what feels genuinely like our biggest chance in god knows how long to do the double over them.

The players and manager need look no further than the motto emblazened across their collective bosom for inspiration, ''NIL SATIS NISI OPTIMUM'' it reads, possibly the only bit of inspirational latin in the stadium on Sunday not enthusiatically daubed onto something using instructions from the internet.

 Or a swift ''dont you dare go and see your fucking arses here again, not this time...'' from Jimmy Martyn would do.

Onwards Evertonians.

1 comment:

  1. Great preview mate.
    Would you be happy for us to publish it on SOS1878 (
