Friday 16 September 2011

Wigan Preview

A slightly depressing precursor to Saturdays game are the early murmurings being dished out by David Moyes of a Fellaini exit  in January(i.e. his value plummeting in the final 18 months of his contract). Apparently his contract negotiations are stalling and the Everton boss is having to field questions from ''exclusive'' craving hacks about Arteta's exit to Arsenal on deadline day setting a precedent to the other players about our clubs ambitions. When in actual fact, if the player doesn't sign, which he doesn't have to, he like Steven Pienaar owes Everton more or less fuck all and holds all the aces in this stalemate. Its still a pretty shitty thing to do like, but themz the breaks in this obscenely rich world we all pour so much blind emotion into day to day. So basically, expect to see him in a different colour shirt come February the first. It was a pleasure Marouanne, but you like the rest of them, are a biff, nowt more. Oh and your arl fella is bad, bad tit too.

After the Villa performance(and its atmosphere) it is fair to say we can be optimistic and looking to beat these, it'll either go one of two ways, the continued ''backs against the wall'' attitude will filter through from the fans divided onto the pitch and inspire the team to shag the living daylights out of Wigan or, as we have a propensity to do from time to time, things will be stony silent up until a Hugo Rodallega opener on '74 minutes which we could well dip to.
If the ongoing silence around Saha and his mystery problem dont clear up, expect more of Tim Cahill up front with Leon Osman ploughing a furrow(whatever the frig that may be) behind him. It seemed to work quite well against Villa but you cant help but think it'll run out of steam and idea's if this is going to be our only option for a run of games. I hope im proved wrong, but the thought of this being our only option at the likes of Old Trafford, Stamford Bridge and whisper it quietly Eastlands later in the season doesn't really bare thinking about, it will be bread and butter to some of the better defences in the league having to face up against those two no matter how honest to goodness and hard-working they are. The campaign for a Velios and STRACQ-I-GOL front pairing starts here. Anybody for a march?

If we want to beat these, which we absolutely can remember. Its hard to believe were only three games in when you hear some of the ingrained negativity ooze-ing out of the pores of the doomsmiths amongst us, I reckon we've got to see a bit of daring-do from our great ginger leader. After the short but purposeful cameo from Royston Drenthe last week, you would hope it would be enough for Moyes to go with him from the start. The Dutchman was clearly inspired by the crowd and is eager to impress and to be honest i think the fans need something like this from the beginning of games to get them behind the team, on too many occasions games slip away from us in a lingering fug of apathy due to another conservative line up from the start at home. So lets be fucking having you tomorrow Davie, no fucking about.

Whilst ive got you, if you've got a spare few quid lying about, download everyones favourite balding physio Mick Rathbones autobiography 'The Smell of Football' on your Kindles, failing that go out and buy an actual physical copy of it. Whichever way you read it, what you're getting is a sensitive, very funny and distinctly different insight into professional football at many levels. In no uncertain terms, after reading it im fairly sure ''Baz'' is partly responsible for the great team spirit that still courses through our first team and beyond, the guys career with us dovetails un-coincidentally with a resurgence in our fortunes(and a dip since he left?...I'll leave that to you). It also gives you a timely reminder of the many positives David Moyes brings to our great club(if you need them) and even leaves the very last word to a certain Duncan Ferguson. Its genuinely a must read for Evertonians.

Up the sodding Toffles!

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