Wednesday 2 February 2011

Arsenal Retrospective

I didn't watch one minute of the Arsenal game last night, in recent years they've metamorphosed into a gang of greased up Emirates sponsored reptiles, perfectly remastering the art of snide-ing, pissing and moaning. I just couldn't be frigging arsed going or intersniding it. I just felt with other things going on and particularly after Monday nights spunk-a-minute dollar sign marathon hosted by Jim White on Sky Sports News, I had far more pressing matters at hand. Besides, I'm concentrating on the FA Cup now, eggs all in one basket and that, I reckon Ive got 90 minutes concentration left to do before the basket is dropped and the eggs all splat onto the pavement and trickle embarrassingly down the gutter.

I ended up watching a sky+'d quadruple bill of the oustanding Danish Cult Crime Drama 'The Killing', go on, do yourself a fucking favour for once and start watching it this very instant right here:

It beats watching that shite.

Back to the game at ''The Grove'' though *wretches*. Reading between the lines and hearing things back, it seems like we can consider ourselves a wee bit unlucky, in so much as it was a bit of reverse of last weekends slow start and decent finish, it went the other way with Everton looking great in the early exchanges, pushing themselves in front, being collectively organised, then capitulating after losing their shape after some questionably negative substitutions.

Everton lose at Arsenal

Its a bloody crying shame too, as Moyes and his men really went for the jugular last weekend when going 1-0 up and should be congratulated for doing so. Perhaps it was a conscious decision to be happy with the early goal though, to try and tighten things up a bit in the second half and hope for the best. After all, a draw in the league gets you a hard fought possibly priceless point, whereas in the fa cup, it gets you a pain in the arse replay somewhere you haven't won since Lazarus rose from his cave, wearing half mast second hand Ethel Austin polyester slacks and with an empty can of Colt45 in his hand. The bad Paraffin.

Moyes made reference to something that mega twat Fabregas had said to an official afterwards, saying he wouldn't repeat it, but he should of walked for it. Bit timid that really. It seems the days have gone of Moyes making your chest swell, even in defeat, when he held his hands up to us not being up to the mark in games, particularly after changes he himself made and just telling it how it was. You cant help feel for him still though. He clearly loves Everton, he just looks completely exhausted with it all. The boards continued silence is becoming ear splittingly deafening.

David Moyes has cut a weary and frustrated figure at times this season

He was a trail blazer was 'Wor Davey' in this league when he first really got going for us, a massive part of the Premier League have-nots (as a whole) evolving into industrious, hardworking, results at any cost, tactical outfits under tight restraints. Which ironically could signal his own downfall.

Phil ''Filthy McNasty'' McNulty'' the bbc's head of football and probably Chris Bascombes favourite centrefold, seems to have cottoned on to the growing unrest on the streets of Walton(ha!) and has written a piece on the beebs main site, makes some decent points too, have a squizz:

I wonder if the disinterested local/national media will now cotton on to this crime against all that is right for the game(sic)? You know, like they did when they were debating it on question time and changing administration rules for football teams and that? Probably not is the answer, we ain't news anymore. Blue apathy frighteningly abounds.

He signs it off as quoting the thinking Evertonians winger, Pat Nevin, as saying fundamentally Everton need Moyes, more than Moyes needs Everton. I find it hard to disagree with that, mistakes and titty lips aside. The whole situation just reeks of Mike Ashley making another change in the Summer.

Blackpool need to roll the frig over on Saturday, the premier league bed spread is only big enough for those that want it bad enough..... and currently Everton are luke warm and sat perched on the side of the bed, scratching their heads and wondering whether to go for a piss in the freezing cold or not.


  1. Terry, this is the first place I go to after an Everton match: ok the Lobster Pot first, but then this, you get the idea. I can never think of anything to add, because "Yeah mate, I agree" just sounds weak.

    But tonight I can say: "Intersnide: I'm robbing that mate."

  2. I meant to say I'm looking forward to the review of the Blackpool game. I'm like a pig in sh*t.

  3. Cheers mate....

    Much appreciated.
