Friday 4 February 2011

Blackpool Preview

January was bit shite wasn't it? Bar a deceivingly motivated performance against Spurs, it just perpetuated the same tired, disinterested mood that had preceded most previous games this season, so much for New Year, new leaves and all that caper.

'Plucky Blackpool' (still a few places above us after losing something stupid like 7 in 8) arrive at Goodison this weekend, with both Charlie Adam and Ian Holloway pretty much dominating everything that's ever mentioned about them. To be fair to the scot, he's been playing fucking brilliantly all this and last season, and the country bumpkin respectively, no matter what some people will have you believe, he is a ''breath of fresh air'' or at least something a little bit different. Honestly, who couldn't enjoy his diatribes towards Villa and the redshite over their (not that)derisory Adam bids? Even if he does have a conflict of interests financially, its nice to see managers not conceding to players demands in order that they get their ''dream move'', fuck em.

Sticking with the January theme, you get the feeling that some of Kenwrights most staunch advocates are beginning to walk away from him now. After what represented possibly THE most depressing January transfer window ever, and lets face it we've had a few. A moody arsed manager, a crowd favourite pissing off, no signings - not even a baldy little loan here or there, our closest rivals sluttishly spunking yankee dollar on Duncan Ferguson clones and talented Uruguayan narks, and quite literally no communication from board level. All these things conspired to leave a lot of blues feeling like Bill has finally used up all of his tick at the metaphorical bar of most Toffee's hearts and minds, the greedy(and skint) arl soak that he is.

To lose or maybe even draw, christ we know how to do that this season, a fixture that before a ball had been kicked in August, was as cast iron a home banker as you can get these days, could only be considered as utterly, utterly shite. If we dont start pulling ourselves away from the mire at the bottom of the league, then you soon start running out of 3 point possibilities and things can get bloody hairy. You know what people say about momentum in football, it's safe to say Everton arent swinging Tarzan-like through the Premier League jungle these days, they're doing Wiley Coyote impressions where his rope/vine is too long and he keeps scraping his kite across the floor in pursuit of the mocking Roadrunner(probably the redshite in this case). Meep! Meep!

Everton can welcome Tim Cahill back from the Asia Cup, he'll almost certainly start too if fit. He is integral to this side playing well. Not just his uncanny ability to nick a goal, but the way he relishes shouldering the responsibility to dig deep and fight when you need it most....and by crikey that's what we need right now.

So, three points to the blues then eh? Not on your nelly. Onwards Blue hordes.

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