Friday 19 August 2011

QPR and Season Preview

Here we go again then, you pays your money, you turn up, you cover some poor unsuspecting fifty something menopausal woman in front of you with hate filled spittle, you go back to the ale house to whinge and moan about being held to a draw by Neil Warnocks promoted Queens Park Rangers (great footy name that), you gleefully stab your Kenwright doll in its eyes and one in the balls for good measure, then you fuck off home. Whats not to look forward to?

Ive got a bit of a soft spot for Q.P.R., its a mixture of their name, their kit and a couple of players who played for them, you know all the important things when your a kid. They come to Goodison after a fresh takeover from a rich guy (cool your jets Blue Union, i think London real estate could have something to do with this one) and a right royal walloping on the opening day of the season against the mighty Bolton Wanderers. So they will come to us wanting to put that right /  to impress the new owner / to pull their socks up...etc etc. Tarabt is the man to look out for who can make things happen for them, lump on him to slot, who was it last season Ben Arfa? Presuming he's available actually and hasnt fell out with his deplorable, arch Batman baddie lookalike of a boss, oh and Clint Hill, ex Tranmere and ''couldn't look more scouse'' if i tried centre back is suspended for them...blah de fucking blah blah blah. We need to just go out and snot the living daylights out of these. Ill tell you why...


The Blue Union have done their bit, they got their meeting with the chairman of our club, they got their dialogue, they have seemingly  fucked up their cause up by recording Bill on one of their iPhones in their pockets after not agreeing this with him in the first place. They've in no uncertain terms dragged the clubs name through the virtual mud on the eve of the new season, with a juvenile and amateurish campaign at finding the reasons why we cant make signings any more. Even Derek Hatton who set up the meeting has dropped them(stop laughing at the back), ironically via twitter, where all this kopite nonsense began.

Where were these militants when we signed a brooding Belgian midfielder for loads of dosh and our oh so mecurial Russian lad, with his half wand half hammer of a left peg for stupid money? Probably watching Youtube clips of them and wanking themselves silly like the rest of us. As has been said a million times over, thats were we are these days, if you're not owned by an Oligarch or Sheikh and spunking gold out your Peen at will, weakening your rivals and strengthening your own squad, your nobody and going nowhere.

David Moyes and Bill Kenwright

It was the inevitability surrounding the Blue Union campaigns agenda that immediately rubbed a sizeable proportion of Evertonians up wrong way i think, they wanted answers for things that anybody with half an ounce of sense in their skull seemed to know was going on anyway. Since Kenwright has been in charge we've always been selling to buy, its that things are getting tighter its becoming harder for us to do our business when we want to do it, if any at all. ''Have you asked the Yankee's whether they're interested Bill? They hate the Redsox...''. Lord Above.

All things aside you have to commend this band of lunatics on their unwavering concern for our beloved club, it's touching. It just feels a bit like they've seen a couple of their mates on Facebook attending SOS gigs and marches and that they want piece of the toe curling NuSoccer pie. No team, anywhere, whether you've won it ''Fiiiiiive tiiiiimez Lad'' or never before, have a god given right to anything. You have to earn it. Whether that's tightening your belt and getting your head down, pulling together and working hard or whether its flashing your knickers at the first scurrilous rich 'Johnny Cum Firstly' and letting him have his wicked way with you, that's your decision.

Its time for everybody to leave this behind us now, after half of Tottenham burning down last week our season starts tomorrow. Leave all the infighting to the other side when half of Denmark has snaffled up their tickets, this time last year we weren't arsed about spending nothing. ''Champions League hopefuls'', hardly anything has changed. Dont think that any small personal protest you may be staging against the board or whoever is helping anybody out but yourself, if you love your team and can afford to be there, then do your duty. They need you and your coin, now more than ever.

Up Those Glorious Royal Blue Toffeemen.


  1. You are blaming Blue Union for highlighting from the horses mouth, what a terrible financial situation we are in? Behave yourself.

    We are in this mess because of the board. Not Blue Union. Too cool for school some of our fans though eh?

  2. Im not blaming The Blue Union for anything.

    Apart from making themselves look like heaving bellends that is.

  3. Also Bily and Fellaini were signed by selling players. In Fellaini's case we sold Andy Johnson and McFadden. Bily was bought when we sold Lescott. For the last 6 transfer windows we have not spent any money. This doesnt bother me as Moyes is performing miracles. What does bother me is that there seems to be no plan from the board as to how to raise funds, or what happens when Moyes has had enough? Gary 'Meggo' Megson awaits.

  4. Thats what ive said mate. What is happening now is nothing knew, its just getting tighter and tighter.

    We've been selling to buy for the whole of the Kenwright regime.

  5. Another thing I have to disagree with is the hostility towards Blue Union. I am not a member of theirs, I wouldnt go on a march either, however they are perfectly entitled to raise the poor off the field management of the club. Strangely in all of this I actually feel sorry for Kenwright. He loves the club like us and I fear that the club will kill him. He needs Earl and Woods to step up to the plate now as he is taking all the crap whilst they hide in the background. What cannot be challenged is that this board are unable to move our club forward.
