Wednesday 24 August 2011

Sheffield United Carling Cup Preview

Everton's record in the league cup is pretty horrific, it doesn't matter who has been in charge, or what sides we've put out, we almost always manage to crash out of the competition blushing and trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. So after the truly miserable defeat against QPR on the opening day, which seemed to both compound a proportion of Evertonians pre season depression and then veritably piss on the curried chips of the defiantly optimistic amongst us, probably what we didn't want is an unbeaten team sitting joint top of two divisions below. Twitchy hoops and Limpet ring-pieces will probably be the order of the evening for all 15,000 of us.
Steve Simonsen         Richard Cresswell

Comfort yourself with the fact that they have gap toothed fraudulent money tool Steve Simonsen between the sticks, christ, we paid 3.3 million ''real'' English pounds for that lad. Well, we didn't like, Peter Johnson(he who has been roundly congratulated by some Evertonians recently!) cheekily moved a bit of his dosh around in the final throes of his regime whilst having his portly fingers in both ours and our tunnel rat cousins financial pies. Sticking to the point, we should be putting all kinds of crosses and shots in on him, he's poo. Lower league Grock Richard Cresswell will offer us a chance to get all ruffled after our chippy tea's with some back to basics centre forwarding.

Danny Wilson, who always looks like he could hiding a ten year affair with a girl young enough to be his daughter, brings his charges to Goodison at an opportune moment for (not that much of )a giant killing. Four premier league sides went out the competition last night and Everton's confidence will be fragile. Sunderland, Norwich, Swansea and our slayers from the weekend QPR all went out. Okay three of the four of those have been promoted this season, and the teams in Europe wont be kicking a ball for months in the competition, but who could blame any misty eyed get for wondering, finally, after 133 years of waiting, whether this could be our year?

Birmingham ''fucking'' City done it last year, which puts paid to any theories of rich or ''big'' teams only winning it. It may be worth next to fuck all and the lowest of all competitions in some peoples eyes, but it'd be reet nice to have another day out at Wembley and even get back into Europe for a jolly or two. Moyes could do with throwing off his annual early season titty lip and select a relatively positive side with two attackers on the pitch as well as players playing in their usual positions. You know, the fundamentals when playing teams inferior to yourself in talent and that?

Everton team news is that Bilyaletdinov is still suspended, the massive hard case, Tim Cahill has had the flu, Seamus Colemans ankle is still at a right angle, Jermaine Beckford has a knee strain after kicking the ground at least ten times versus QPR and Phil Neville(who's hair looked a fucking state by the way) has pulled his vocal chords after delivering one rallying call too many(only one of those isnt true). That said, the changes that needed to be made from the weekend maybe kindly forced upon Moyes. The likes of Saha and Anichebe should be called upon to step in for Cahill and Beckford, who utterly stunk the gaffe right out and expect to see Tony Hibbert possibly make a start too in place of Phil ''Ross is like a new signing for us'' Neville, who has also signed a new contract. Yay!

So, if its alright with you Blues, can you try and not do our collective tits in again tonight, you're the better side, please show the desire and ability to try and raise a smile on the young ones, or maybe those who just have absolutely nothing better to do in their lives, or maybe even those who are mad enough to choose to support you for hard cash, because they know you need it, after yet another shite start to a season.

Up the toffs.

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