Monday 3 October 2011


During what felt a bit like an opening day of the season, such was the equatorial heat piercing through Waltons streets on Saturday, a heady mixture of abject fury and disconsolate resignation familiarly swept is way through the Goodison stands in yet another Merseyside Derby were a result again went against Everton, solely because of a more than questionable refereeing decision. We were doing pretty well too.

On the spot: Martin Atkinson observes Jack Rodwell's tackle on Luis Suarez

There is not much point in talking about any team performance or any of our players individual performances in any great detail, because that ship sailed the moment Martin Atkinson deemed Jack Rodwell's near perfect challenge on 22 minutes to be worthy of a straight red card. The game ended then. I will say this, Liverpool still had a football game to win and they ultimately went about it in the right manner. There has been occasions in the past were Everton have found themselves a man up early in a game away from home in a derby and not managed to capitalise, the main difference here though is that particular sending off was absolutely nailed on and deserved, so stretching the (non)similarities a little bit further, the ref in that game then went on to book 7 of our players as well as sending one off, you know just to even things up. Why does this happen?

Early bath: Rodwell gets his marching orders

In about 15 years of attending derby matches home and away, I physically cannot recall one major decision going against them in the cauldron like atmosphere of our local derbies, not one, nada, niente. Ah well, i thought, wipe the spittle from my frothing lips, ive got a bit of a head like a sieve anyway for footy trivia i could be wrong like, ill ask the frigger beside me who is a regular of nigh on 40 years and who's memory for anything Everton, foreign movie based or music related basically borders on ''Aspergers Nerd'', just out of interest like, whether he can recall any, at all, going against Liverpool and honestly effecting the result of a, not one. Something wrong there. Why does this always happen?

 Seeing red: Jack Rodwell was harshly sent off by by Martin Atkinson against Liverpool

Martin Atkinson hasn't refereed an Everton game since he blew up early against United for us about a year ago, a contentious issue for which David Moyes and Steve Round were both fined heavily. Moyes meekly raised this point pre and post Saturday. It didn't make one blind bit of difference. It could be argued that Moyes should be banging the Ferguson, Wenger and Dalglish cry arse advantage seeking drum a lot louder than he does. I certainly expected a much harsher statement than his ''ruined the game'' offering afterwards. I don't think it matters really though and i think deep down Moyes knows that, if you aint in the club you aint in the club. 

There is something inherently dark and wrong with the refereeing officials in this country though where two of them now, fully paid up professional referee's on about eighty odd grand a fucking year, are highly likely never to take charge of an Everton game again. How is this allowed to happen? It sends out completely the wrong signals to not only the clubs, but their followers too. The self righteous indignation shown by our opponents not only in general, but even on Saturday after they'd been gifted the match (HANDBALL!! CORNER!!!) might be something to learn if we want to change this. Do we want that though? Lets face it, the media coverage its still getting is about missile throwing from Everton fans, the decision has all but been forgot about in larger circles. There is a pattern here. They also love to harp on about refs being against them and that they are corrupt to the point of wanting United to win the league every year, if it wasnt for them pesky refs eh?


Some supporters seem to want us to be more like them, get nastier and do it their way. I'm not sure how that will work out for us. We're just not in that club. Were not soft touches or plucky losers, there is still a Corinthian-ism about the way we go about things on and off the pitch, it stands for something, not a lot like, it wont win you trophies. But its something to hang on to in these ever more sickeningly obsequious and shallow footballing times.

Chin up players and fans alike then. We all move on together. Lets accept our fate and keep on keeping on. Its the only thing we know.

Oh and we've signed a 15 year old for 2 million quid apparently, George Green (Bing Images brought up this ), we beat off interest from 20 other clubs for his signature, go us. Think he'll be fit for Chelsea and United? It looks like we need the little brat.


  1. There have been plenty of decisions gone against LFC in derbies, the difference is though:

    a) We usually win the game anyway because we've been better than you for 95% of the past half cenbtury, hence they are quickly forgotten about,


    b) We're not bitter, hate filled, success starved beauts who need excuses to mask our chronic lack of success, hence we don't name derbies after refs / players and they are quickly forgotten about.

    It's your cup final, you're shite and hardly ever win them, bad refereeing decisions or not, just like you hardly ever finish above us in the league or hardly ever win a trophy. It's one of the many reasons why you're so desperately bitter and twisted.

    You're Little everton see, it's what you do. Now pipe down and get over it, you've got sheep to shear boyo.

  2. i have a theiry as to why it keeps happening. behold:

  3. Regarding point b)

    Think about King Kenny's first game at Old Trafford this year and you managed to tick all the boxes in one match alone.

    * "Bitter" (20ft F*ckoff Fergie banner)
    * "Hate filled" (Munich chanting)
    * "Success starved" (21 years without the title as Man Utd went onto overtake your trophey hall)
    * "Refs are quickly forgotten about" (It was quickly pointed out to me on Saturday that this Atkinson is quite right to even it up as he was the ref at Old Trafford who gave Berbatov a penalty after 20 seconds).
    * "Pipe Down" (Thats seemed to be the order of the day as the Old Trafford toilets were trashed at the away end).

  4. As for the manc love in, how predictable. I support LFC, you bitter wools support little everton. Why don't we just talk about them? Oh I see, it's quite embarrassing for you that way isn't it. Looks like bigging up the scouse hating mancs is your only glimmer of hope.

    'Yernited! Yernited!' howled the woolyback infested gwladys street.

  5. i think anonymous needs to wank more

  6. ''There have been plenty of decisions gone against LFC in derbies...''

    Can you qualify this with examples mate?

  7. 1) The lanky Belgian galoot not being sent off when he tried to cripple the Greek, who was

    2) Gerrard being sent off after 20 minutes for two nothing fouls. We still won natch

    3) Cahill suplexing Alonso which led to the first goal during your flash-in-the-pan 3-0. One decision which could have changed the entire game (according to bitter blooshite logic)

    4) Getting robbed in the 'Clattenburg Derby' (arf). In reality we should have won by more, Kuyt had a goal ruled out for offside when he was clearly on, Howard clearly handled outside the box when he had already been booked and should have been sent off. You shite never had one shot on goal in that game, I think it was the fourth derby on the bounce you'd managed this amazing feat. Should really have been 3 or 4 to the Mighty Reds.

    There's probably more like but that's enough proof for now.

  8. oh anonymous, retelling that must be like watching your family get raped all over again

  9. Betram Wilberforce3 October 2011 at 09:04

    Liverpool were robbed in the Clattenburg derby?

    Whatever medication you're on isn't strong enough you fúcking bulb.

    Oh, and

  10. Hahaha, Marty Wooster the kiddy fiddling woolyback shithouse speaks. I listed specific examples of how we where robbed you horrible baldy little rat, are you seriously telling me that the team who managed ZERO shots on target deserved something from that game?

    I think it's you who needs to up the meds you clueless, fat, bespectacled runt of a man.

  11. You can't be fat and a runt by definition you half-wit.

    You actually talked the same demented bollocks you always do.

  12. Well you've proved that you can, you short arsed podgy little weapon.

  13. Oh dear, you really are living proof that brother and sister shouldn't fúck, aren't you?

    Even then, the healthy part of the sperm must have ran down yer ma/sister's leg.

    I'm bored now. See you at Kirkdale Station...

  14. Who gives a fuck what you think you murdering Kopite cunt. Enjoy that cheating cunt Suarez until he leaves you for a bigger club in a year or two just like Torres and Meireles.

  15. Arf, another shithouse pipes up. Well obviously you care what I think you inbred hillbilly twat cos you felt the need to reply. Still hurting after we tonked you yet again on Saturday I see.

    As for bigger clubs, chelsea (like little everton) will never be and never have been a bigger club than LFC. You know it, I know it, even yer ma knows it you braindead racist twat.

    17 years and counting, read it and weep you bitter little hom.

  16. Venting frustration on old ladies? That'll be like hounding two elderly spinsters out of their homes so you can build a new stand? Ethnic minority? You mean like throwing bananas at John Barnes after he signed for Liverpool.Of course,neither of the above happened did they? Thought not.
    If there is a moral here,it's simply this,both clubs have questionable people following them around.One club's fans are willing to admit this,one isn't,because they are too blinded by their own hypocrisy.Sound familiar? Thought not.
